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Investment Chart


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The old saying, “You’re only as good as the tools you use is” has never been more important in today’s workplace.  Since there are thousands of tools available, it becomes a challenge to the manager to pick the right tools to implement in the workplace to aid their employees and achieve the outcomes desired.


As the Coach, I have worked in over 300 organizations throughout my career.  The three things I consistently find missing in all organizations are effective communication, accountability on a consistent basis and trust among all.  With that in mind each engagement with a client begins with completing an online Assessment that provides insight into their behavior, values, and competencies.  How can people work successfully together without having this information from which to work?  Having it makes a measurable, positive difference.

The TTISI Assessment results are  Real, Impactful and Powerful!

You and your employees will experience

Professional Woman
  • Better communication

  • Increased employee retention

  • Hiring accuracy

  • Improved productivity

  • Better workplace engagement

  • Increased sales training and effectiveness

Getting Coffee
  • Improved management effectiveness

  • Reduction of destructive stress

  • Effective development of high potential employees

The Best Tool To Start A Ministry For The Unemployed

The book entitled, Plug Into The Job Seeders” Ministry!  How Leaders Develop A Vital Ministry For The Unemployed by Linda S. Leake (The Coach)

Linda Leake Book.jpg
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